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An amazing commissioners meeting on September 21, 2011

A huge thank you to everyone who attended the Board of Commissioners meeting on September 21st, and especially to all of our amazing speakers. Their passion and thoughtfulness were awe inspiring. They left our commissioners with no choice but to support a Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission, and they promised to do so. Thanks also to our organizational supporters including the Cheltenham chapters of the NAACP and the League of Women Voters as well as leaders from Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel and the United Church of Christ. Tonight Cheltenham Township demonstrated the best this community has to offer. I'm so proud of all of us!

This matter was referred to the Public Affairs Committee and the Township solicitor to draft a human relations commission ordinance. CARE will closely monitor the progress of this legislation and will keep you posted.
Congratulations to all for bringing Cheltenham Township one step closer to equality!