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Want to serve on the Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission? Here's how...

Cheltenham passed on Wednesday night an ordinance creating a human relations commission, a vehicle to combat discrimination and promote equality before the law.

Now the township is seeking residents interested in serving on the commission. The ordinance is available here. There are nine positions which will ultimately have three-year staggered terms. Only registered voters are eligible. The application deadline is 4:30 p.m. on March 30, 2012.

Resumes will be accepted in writing by post, hand-delivery or email to the Cheltenham Township Manager, 8230 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027, or For more information, contact the Cheltenham Township Public Information Office at 215-887-6200, ext. 230.

(From Citizens' Call)


Tonight Cheltenham Township became the 27th locality in Pennsylvania to pass a Human Relations Commission ordinance.  CARE thanks the Cheltenham Township Board of Commissioners, especially Commissioner Kathy Hampton who tirelessly championed the ordinance, the Township solicitor and manager, Equality PA and its leaders Adrian Shanker and Ted Martin, Steve Glassman from the PA Human Relations Commission, and all of the wonderful Cheltenham residents and organizations, including the NAACP, League of Women Voters, United Church of Christ, Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, PFLAG and the Cheltenham Democrats, who loudly and consistently demanded a community free from intolerance and discrimination.
Congratulations to all!

This is the big one -- We need you for the FINAL VOTE on the Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission ordinance on Feb 15!

The Cheltenham Township Board of Commissioners has scheduled a final vote on an anti-discrimination ordinance for Wednesday, Feb 15 at 7:30pm at Curtis Hall and we need YOU to get it passed.

We're expecting those opposed to equal rights to make their stand at this meeting, especially zealots from outside the Township. It's crucial that we have a large turnout of supporters from our own community! Also, at the last Public Affairs meeting, one commissioner tried to sneak a provision into the law that would have allowed religious, private and fraternal organizations to discriminate at public functions and in public accommodations like parks, libraries, restaurants, etc. We need YOU to come out to show our commissioners that we demand a fair law that protects all of our residents.
If you believe in justice for all in Cheltenham Township, February 15th is your chance to show your support.