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Action Alert -- Public Affairs Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 1st, at 7:30 pm at Curtis Hall

Dear supporter of equality and justice in Cheltenham Township,
The Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission ordinance will be on the agenda of the Public Affairs Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 1st, at 7:30 pm at Curtis Hall. I hope you can attend. At the January meeting, the commissioners made significant progress toward adopting a meaningful ordinance. This could be the last drafting meetin before the ordinance comes before the full board for a vote.
To see the minutes of the December meeting, visit
Thank you for your continued support,
Cheltenham Area Residents for Equality (CARE)

CARE's comments to the October 5, 2011 Cheltenham Township Public Affairs Committee

Good evening.  On September 21st, the Board of Commissioners heard from a room full of residents speaking in support of a Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission. In addition to a diverse and passionate assembly of individuals, the Board also heard from organizational supporters including the Cheltenham Township chapter of the NAACP and the Cheltenham Township chapter of the League of Women Voters.  In addition, clergy spoke on behalf of congregants from Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel and the United Church of Christ.

On behalf of Cheltenham Area Residents for Equality (CARE), I would again like to thank the Board for your attention to our concerns and commitment to protecting the basic civil rights of Cheltenham residents.  Now the important work begins.  The Public Affairs Committee was charged with creating an ordinance that will meet the needs of the Cheltenham Township community.

After reviewing a number of ordinances already passed in jurisdictions across Pennsylvania, and consulting with attorney Ted Martin from Equality Pennsylvania and Stephen Glassman from the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, CARE wholeheartedly recommends that the Board follow the model of the Human Relations Commission ordinance passed in Lower Merion Township.  The Lower Merion model, like other ordinances, begins by affording lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals the same basic civil rights that others possess.   It also establishes a Human Relations Commission to protect those rights locally in a manner consistent with State law.  In Lower Merion, anyone in a protected class who experiences discrimination can bring a claim to the local volunteer Human Relations Commission for mediation.  If mediation doesn’t resolve the issue, the Human Relations Commission will refer the claim to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission for further review, unless the claimant is not protected by State law.  In such cases, the local Human Relations Commission will conciliate the claim or hold a public hearing to decide if relief is appropriate.

The Lower Merion model represents a middle ground between ordinances such as those in Doylestown Borough and Springfield Township.  In Doylestown Borough, the local Human Relations Commission has more authority than in Lower Merion; it can mediate, conciliate and hold public hearings on claims brought by any protected individual, even those already protected by State law.  In contrast, ordinances like the one in Springfield force individuals not protected by State law to seek relief directly from the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas if their claims that are not resolved through mediation.  These individuals are not afforded the same full review by a Human Relations Commission as other individuals.  We believe that the Lower Merion ordinance would work best in Cheltenham Township because its Human Relations Commission retains jurisdiction of only as many cases as is necessary to provide equal access to justice to all victims of discrimination.

I would like to submit copies of a proposed Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission ordinance based on the Lower Merion model.  Both Ted Martin and Stephen Glassman have offered to assist the Board as you move forward with this important wok.  I can provide their contact information.  Cheltenham Area Residents for Equality is also eager to work with the Public Affairs Committee on this initiative.

Thanks again for your time and effort to continue to make Cheltenham Township a welcoming, inclusive community.

An amazing commissioners meeting on September 21, 2011

A huge thank you to everyone who attended the Board of Commissioners meeting on September 21st, and especially to all of our amazing speakers. Their passion and thoughtfulness were awe inspiring. They left our commissioners with no choice but to support a Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission, and they promised to do so. Thanks also to our organizational supporters including the Cheltenham chapters of the NAACP and the League of Women Voters as well as leaders from Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel and the United Church of Christ. Tonight Cheltenham Township demonstrated the best this community has to offer. I'm so proud of all of us!

This matter was referred to the Public Affairs Committee and the Township solicitor to draft a human relations commission ordinance. CARE will closely monitor the progress of this legislation and will keep you posted.
Congratulations to all for bringing Cheltenham Township one step closer to equality!

Click here for a draft of a proposed Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission ordinance

Click here for a draft of a proposed Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission ordinance

Please sign a petition for equality in Cheltenham Township

Cheltenham Area Residents for Equalilty (CARE) has created an online petition to be delivered to the Board of Commssioners through David Kraynik, Township manager. The petition reads:
"As a resident of Cheltenham Township, I believe that all people, including gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals, deserve respect and dignity and that this must be accomplished through legislation at the federal, state, and local levels. Since the Congress and the State Legislature consistently refuse to address this pressing issue, we must do so in Cheltenham Township. I strongly encourage you to join 21 other Pennsylvania communities, including many neighboring townships and boroughs, and support the creation of a Cheltenham Township Human Relations Commission. Such a commission is essential to educating and protecting our residents and providing a local mechanism for addressing discrimination. Please help Cheltehnham Township warrant our reputation as a progressive community that values all of its citizens."
Will you please forward this email and personally ask your friends and neighbors who live in Cheltenham Township to sign this petition? You can also link the petition to your Facebook page.
Click here:
Thanks again for your support. We will prevail!

Frequently asked questions about local non-discrimination legislation

What is a local Human Relations Commission Ordinance?
·         It is law that mirrors the PA Human Relations Commission anti-discrimination ordinance and adds protected classes of marital status, familial status, genetic testing, gender identity or expression and sexual orientation (which are not covered in the State law).
·         It is a law that mainly uses mediation between parties and education to try to resolve and prevent situations involving discrimination.
o    If mediation doesn’t work and investigation is needed, cases are sent to the State Human Relations Commission (unless the complaint is brought by an individual who is not protected by State law).
o   If the complaint is brought by an individual who is not protected by State law, the local Human Relations Commission could do an investigation and handle the case until the end.
·         The law covers housing, employment and public accommodations (e.g. transportation, buildings, hotels, restaurants, stores, education).
·         The law does not include private clubs or religious organizations that do not accept public funds.
Why have a local law?
·         To prevent discrimination by providing education to the community about prohibited conduct and about the function of the Human Relations Commission.
·         To protect our citizens from discrimination, especially those not protected by State law.
·         To create a process that is faster than the current State process.  (State is backed up with cases.)
·         To create a process that is cheaper than the current State process  (because the local Human Relations Commission mainly uses mediation to resolve cases which is cheaper than litigation and because citizens do not have to travel out of the community, take time from work, etc. to engage in mediation)
·         It can be less tense to handle issues locally because the local Human Relations Commission would understand our local culture, leaders, businesses, etc.
·         A local Human Relations Commission draws businesses to our community because they view us as more welcoming
What else do I need to know?
·         There are 22 localities in PA with their own Human Relations Commission ordinances including Lower Merion and Haverford in Montgomery County.  Other localities in Montgomery County are currently working on passing laws.  We do not want to fall behind as a major positive quality about Cheltenham Township is our diversity and progressiveness.
·         This ordinance is close to zero cost.  The local Human Relations Commission is staffed by volunteers and receives free training from the State Human Relations Commission.